Fall Safety Tips
Fall is Here!
- Make sure your home has a defensible space around it
- Know two ways out in case of a fire
- Check the batteries in your carbon monoxide detectors and smoke alarms! It is recommended to change the batteries every 6 months. A good way to remember is to change the batteries when daylight savings time comes around.
- Test your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms once a month.
- For outdoor activities make sure you have plenty of water and wear appropriate clothing/footwear
- If using a grill, make sure that it is not around any combustible material and out from under any decks or eves of the house
- Have an evacuation plan in place and have a quick "go" kit easily accessible in case of wildfire
- "Go" kits should include, water, medications, photos, non-perishable foods, valuables etc....
- Double-check your vehicle for your children and pets before entering your home or a business
- Drink plenty of water or Gatorade to remain hydrated at all times while working or playing outside
- Protect your property. Keep grass and excessive weeds trimmed and remove combustible materials from the edges of your house.
- Be aware of changing weather patterns, and keep an eye on the forecast. Be Prepared.
- Burn candles in an open area away from combustible materials.
- Be aware of burning regulations in your area!